In the educational field, Ofer developed educational performances aimed for a wide array of audiences that mediate between the viewer and the social and ethical issues.Pantomime frees the mind and the imagination, allowing the viewers to express their feelings and thoughts on ethical and moral issues.
In fact, Ofer Goren performs to everyone but speaks in the personal language of each viewer.
Following his success, Ofer Goren transformed pantomime into an effective tool in education.
Through pantomime he delivers a message that is both educational and fun.
A fresh start
The goal of this show is to prepare the audience to the upcoming New Year and to urge them to fulfill their potential. The show inspects the beginning of the school year alongside with the traditional holidays of the month of Tishrey. During the show the following themes are presented: Gratitude, the importance of praying and the connection between man and his creator, the connection between spiritualism and materialism, the constant struggle between good and evil, the search for meaning, placing borders between man and society, giving to your fellow mate and more. This show is appropriate for teenagers and is mostly suitable for the time of the high holidays.>>
The prayer. An Obligation or a Privilege ? The goal of this show is to provide a deep insight of the prayer and to emphasize its essence and value. In an original and breathtaking way, Ofer presents the proper way in which a believer should try to pray. The show is appropriate for students from 1st to 10th grade and is one hour long.>>
Who's the boss
Who is considered to be a free man in our time ? This show presents different situations from our daily life which come to inspect the meaning of freedom in a modern world, the pursuit of happiness Vs the pursuit of wealth and more… Appropriate for students from 4th to 10th grade. Especially suitable for the time before the Passover holiday.>>
?Who'd believe
This show tests the way of worshiping god out of faith. The dilemmas of the believer and how hard they are. Why does a person need faith in his life. What are the tools of aquiring faith, the different paths of believing in god. Out of awe, out of searching and recognition or out of love>>
Heroes against their own will
This show present different views and opinions on the subject of “Jewish Bravery” which derive out of the many historical bravery stories. A dramatization of the Biblical heroes such as Isaac, Moses, Samson, Yael and Sisera, David and Goliath, the Maccabees and more… Appropriate for students from 1st to 9th grade. Especially suitable for the time before the holiday of Chanukah.>>
A great net
This show deals with the educational dilemmas which arise from the use of internet, and offers the appropriate tools and personal boundaries which will ensure safe-surfing on the net. The show also includes subjects such as: The dangers of the net, the exposure and consequences, managing an effective daily agenda while having the screen on. Appropriate for students from 3rd to 8th grade.>>
This show presents daily family situations-respect vs disrespect, evaluation vs lack of gratitude, selfishness vs kindness, parenting in a modern world-setting boundaries, dealing with maturity and childish behavior. The show is one hour long and is Appropriate for students from 7th to 10th grade- Especially suitable for family gatherings and parent-children conferences.>>
This show includes an original program exposing the struggles of a man who’s trying to fulfill his destiny and searches for happiness and independence. The goal of the show is to try and clarify what blocks one from reaching his goals. Appropriate for students from 7th to 12th grade.>>
The individual and the collective
This show raises the subject of man as an individual who’s trying to succeed in a general collective society. It tries to emphasize the impacts which the individual and the society have on each other. Appropriate for students from 3rd to 12th grade.>>
Attributes by attributes
A Dramatization of different attributes which intend to challenge the audience and encourage them to rethink their personal attributes which need improvement and change. In order to fix and improve, one must realize his faults and take responsibility for his actions, repent from his negative path and seek forgiveness from himself and from the people surrounding him. Appropriate for students from 7th to 12th grade>>